SET BACK Auntie Nekesa was cool. Mom was at ease now that she had help. But life was not any different, they still depended on the mean in-laws for food. Grandpa was a carpenter. The little he earned from this was quite little that almost none was left after food was bought. He was an Evangelist too in one of the local churches. At one particular Sunday, merely a month after our birth, Grandpa had to attend to a particular party organized by three white Evangelists. Grandpa was to be given a title deed for some piece of land as an appreciation for his warm attitude towards the American visitors. What he never knew was that his colleagues were not happy. To them , Grandpa had enough land for his family and for farming and that the offer should have been given to the "poor". The party ended at about four,Granny had not yet been given the deed. Grandpa was a man of few words, mama...
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