Mom had to use the nearest route possible. The day was still fresh. The African share of the sun slowly brought Kitale a brighter and warmer essence. Dad had not seen them though. After seeing dad in that state, mom was immediately confused. She could never even explain how on earth she managed the 3 kilometers back home. She had even forgotten that Nekesa had accompanied her. At home none suspected had left earlier that morning. Breakfast was brought and lucky enough she had arrived. Mom explains that dad used to drink those days.It was after this that he came home and physically abused her. She would scream her lungs out for the neighbors to arrive for her rescue.
She explains such an occasion. After seeing that it was quite a burden to the sisters, dad decided mum should be preparing her own meals and that of dad. Dad got mum three cooking pans, plates, spoons and a small basin. He brought in fish and some flour through which mom prepared a meal for lunch that day. Dad went for the a drink with friends. at around 6 that evening he brought some of his friends to see the wife he had married. It was something cool for one to have a wife those days; especially one from other towns. Dad ordered mum to prepare supper. Although she was tired as hell., mum rose and did so. Things went wrong during on the table. Mom brought the food, gave each his share and then left for the kitchen. She never prayed nor invited them for the meal. Dad was angry.
Mom was with Aunt Nekesa having their share of the supper when dad kicked the door open. He went straight towards mom and commenced heavy blows and kicks on her. Her screams never mattered to the drank man, "how dare you show contempt to my visitors, don't you have manners woman"dad would shout amid the beating, none came to her rescue,she deserved it they thought, dad mercilessly dragged her through mud that night mum explains
Mom was in war. Mother-in-law was tough. This forced mum to verbally abuse her some times. Dad would never litsen to her part of the story when he arrived for the weekends. Mom would receive a beating and sometimes forced to sleep out in the cold nights of the Transnzoia.
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